Monday, January 19, 2009

Breeze Assignment

The article "Popular Drink Contains Risk" has a strong argument, as well as a solid thesis, that is compounded by the paragraphs that follow it. The article is trying to warn the JMU student population that the drink "Joose" may have many dangerous effects that students may not be aware of.
The thesis that Cory Kuklick, the writer of this article, uses appears in the first sentence and really focuses the message that Kuklick is trying to get across. Kuklick writes, "United Brands manufacturing has respelled "juice" to "Joose," and young adults are drinking it up, possibly ignoring the drink's dangerous effects. This sentence introduces the product that Kuklick is going to describe. It is also successful in setting up the idea that "Joose" has harmful effects to those who consume it.
The following paragraphs explain the effects of consuming this new alcoholic beverage. Kuklick displays significant evidence as to why "Joose"
may harm its drinkers. The caffeine in "Joose" is a major problem because the large amount of caffeine, nearly double that of Coca Cola, allows students to feel awake and alert, while they still may be extremely intoxicated. This could lead to alcohol poisoning because students will not realize how intoxicated they truly are. Kuklick quotes many people who have knowlege in the field of college drinking. He quotes Paige Hawkins, the director at the center for substance abuse education, Hawkins says,"Mixing caffeine and alcohol also doubles the likelihood of making destructive decisions, including vandalism and sexual assault." Another issue with the large amounts of caffeine is that those with heart problems maybe making themselves worse each time they consume "Joose," says Howley.
This article was very convincing and persuasive. It explains the detrimental side effects of drinking "Joose" and backs each claim up with a quote from a reliable source on the topic. Hopefully this article can help JMU students make the responsible choice and avoid this new and unsafe product.

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