Wednesday, March 18, 2009



-Euthanasia(assisted suicide)
Pros: Puts people who do not want to live out of misery
Cons: It is still considered taking a life, people maybe killed without proper consent
-The ability for college students to have unlimited freedom in making their class schedule
Pros: Students will take what they want for their career, students will be more interested
Cons: Students will be less well rounded
-should people who download music be penalized
Pros: Free music, It is so prevalent impossible to monitor
Cons: It is stealing from artist
-should cigarettes be illegal
Pros: Every year thousands die as a result
Cons: They make money for the government, people want them
-Should the drinking age be 18
Pros: Will cut down binge drinking, Prevent more deaths as a result
Cons: Younger children will drink, drunk driving will be more prevalent


This picture clearly appears to pathos because it tries to convince you that it will benefit your entire life in someway by using this oil. There is no way that this can be a "gift for life." This is clearly a non-sequitur. The fact that one uses Malaysian palm oil is in no way related to your life. The palm oil will not make you live any longer or extend your life in any way. Therefore there is no connection between the claim they are making and reality.

This picture(top) of the man with the two girls advertising Skoal is a great example of the bandwagon appeal. It is attempting to say that if you dip, you will be able to make a good impression. The fact that you use smokeless tobacco, has no relation to the amount of relationships you will be able to make and the impression you leave. If anything, this may make a bad impression. This advertising is clever in that it may have convinced young men to use the product, so they could be more similar to the man in the ad. The man's ethos in the picture is clearly boosted by the fact that he is pictured with two beautiful women. This may however be in no way related to his use of Skoal.