Wednesday, March 18, 2009



-Euthanasia(assisted suicide)
Pros: Puts people who do not want to live out of misery
Cons: It is still considered taking a life, people maybe killed without proper consent
-The ability for college students to have unlimited freedom in making their class schedule
Pros: Students will take what they want for their career, students will be more interested
Cons: Students will be less well rounded
-should people who download music be penalized
Pros: Free music, It is so prevalent impossible to monitor
Cons: It is stealing from artist
-should cigarettes be illegal
Pros: Every year thousands die as a result
Cons: They make money for the government, people want them
-Should the drinking age be 18
Pros: Will cut down binge drinking, Prevent more deaths as a result
Cons: Younger children will drink, drunk driving will be more prevalent

1 comment:

  1. I have actually done a research paper on Euthanasia and there is a large amount of information out there for both argument. It was interesting to see the amount of doctors who have been asked to do euthanasia, amount who have assisted illegally, and those who say they would do it if it were legal. It was a good topic, I thought.
